Online participation at Sustainable Places 2024
Representing PEDvolution as Communication & Dissemination Leader, Sympraxis Team took part in the Online Paper Session 2 of the hybrid Sustainable Places Conference 2024 which was organised in Luxembourg, on 23rd - 25th September 2024.
The session was broadcasted live on B2Match between 14:00 - 15:30 CET on Tuesday 24th September and chaired by Loic Orofino, who also monitored the Q&A discussion. The following representatives from other innovative projects and research initiatives also contributed to the panel:
- Colin Osborne (University of Sheffield) representing the PV4Plants project and addressing the topic of “Transforming Agriculture with Photovoltaic Technology“
- Florencia Victoria De Maio (Rina Consulting SpA) on behalf of the MEDiate project presented on “Building Resilience through Cascading Impact Analysis: A European Perspective“
- Rafael Camarero Rodriguez (CIRCE Technology Centre) addressing the topic of “Grid verification and monitoring layer by blockchain technology“ within the scope of the e-Fort project
- Anna Pinnarelli (University of Calabria) who presented the “Towards the energy transition: the role of the RES, the energy storage systems and the hydrogen“
- Rongling Li (Technical University of Denmark) representing the SEEDS project and addressing the topic of “Cost-effective and replicable Renewable Energy Sources integrated electrified heating and cooling systems for improved energy efficiency and demand response“
PEDvolution shared the project’s ambition and innovative approach, with the panel’s participants, and explained how the solutions to be developed aim to contribute towards improving the design, planning, development and monitoring of ever-evolving PEDs across Europe.
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