PED Training school Borlänge, Sweden
On Monday 2nd of September, Dalarna University in Borlänge, Sweden, welcomed 22 students from the Erasmus+ network to kick-off a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) on Positive Energy Districts.
Researchers from the Dalarna University, University of Catania, Riga Technical University, University of Palermo, University of Rome, University of Savoie Mont Blanc, University of Lisbon and the University of Applied Sciences Vienna, Zurich University of Applied Sciences together with Eurac Research contributed to the joint development of this PED educational programme, covering comprehensive aspects of PEDs, divided into the following four aspects
(1) Definitions and Context
(2) Technical mastery
(3) Impact assessment
(4) Implementation and Replication
PEDvolution was presented and show-cased by ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences within the context of the fourth sub-task.